Ignore Negativity

4 Steps To Ignore Negativity And Be Successful In Life

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Learning to Ignore Negativity

Negative individuals have always existed and that wouldn’t change. There’s nothing anyone can do to change that. But we can learn to ignore the noise, so to speak. We can learn to filter out the negativity as we aim to achieve our dreams. This post will explain the 4 Steps To Ignore Negativity And Be Successful In Life

In life, if you’ve been pushing towards something, hit walls or major obstacles, and been faced with a number of setbacks and negativity from people around you, you’re most definitely not alone. There will always be people there to tell you that you are not capable of doing something, that you’re not clever enough, that you don’t have enough finance or connections, and so on. But you have to put aside the negativity if you want to get to your goals.

But negativity doesn’t only come from other people; it also comes from inside you. Yes, there are individuals out there that will try to hold you back and bring you down to their level. The unfortunate fact is that people (not speaking for every individual) don’t want to see others close to them become successful. But negativity can also come from inside you. Your own mind can help to develop that negativity, making you doubt your talent, self-worth, ability, and capacity for success.


So, how can we cancel the noise?


Your Greatest Setback is Your Biggest Blessings


Everyone in life falls short of something. When we fail, it causes a large amount of pain. And, our minds do everything possible to help shun pain and gain pleasure – it’s part of a design of inborn biological cues and responses that are basal by nature. It’s not easy to fall short of something. It’s not easy to carry a large amount of pain, but that pain and setback are your biggest blessings.

However, when you’re encircled by negativity, it can help to rapidly increase the pain of setbacks or even the potential pain of setbacks. Even if you didn’t fail at something, the dread of failing itself tends to limit us. That fear is bred not only by our mind itself in its tendency to avoid pain, but also by people such as family members, friends, and peers. But you need to change that if you want to be successful.

What you have to really understand is that your greatest setbacks are your biggest blessings. Even if you failed at something previously, and were faced with a large amount of pain, that same pain can be the catalyst in the future.

Life throws us certain lessons every now and then, which we have to use to increase our understanding of all things. Failing in business, finances, relationships or any other goal is painful, but it can also be your greatest catalyst.


Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligibly. — Henry Ford


How to Get Your Goals

When we fail, and when we face negativity, both from the inside and the outside, achieving our goals might seem very difficult. We begin to give in to self-doubt and our minds tend to backtrack creating reasons for why we didn’t want a certain goal to start with. We come up with apparently valid reasons why we never wanted that hope or that dream, really. But, we have to realize that this is normal; this happens to everybody.

But, the setback is the bridge of opportunity to succeed. Without setbacks, it’s impossible to achieve long-term success. Failure helps to create the foundation for what will be a bright and wondrous future. So, if you’ve faced setbacks recently, or even at some point previously, you have to realize that your setbacks were “simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligibly.”

So, how do you achieve success in the face of failure? How do you ignore negativity and step out of your self-imposed limitations?


Step One– Understand the “Why”

It doesn’t matter the amount of negativity that is out there, which may be holding you back. It doesn’t matter how often you failed at doing something. What matters is why you want what you want. Do you know the reason you had or have a certain goal? If you don’t know that reason, then you’ve missed the first and most important step in setting a goal.

Remember, reasons come first in goal setting. If you don’t have a good enough reason why then it’s difficult to ignore negativity or overcome past setbacks and pain. But, when your “why” is good enough, you can achieve anything. Figure out the reason you want something, and if it has a deep enough meaning to you, then it will help to catalyze your pursuits.


Step Two – Understand the “When”

The second step to achieving your goals, even in the face of negativity, difficulty, and past failures, is to have an understanding of when you’ll get to your goals. You have to associate a specific time frame with your goal achievement. Don’t just come up with some indistinct timeframe in your mind. Be specific about it.

Next to each of your goals, after knowing why you’re going to achieve them, know the date you’ll achieve them. Don’t just say you want to get a new job this year. Know how you’re going to go about the application and interview process, why you really need it, and specifically when you intend to achieve it.


Why the “when” is so important?

When you target a specific date, and you write it down so that you can see it every single day, your mind has a way of stressing you towards your goals. It’s also a constant notice of what you need to do, even in the face of setbacks and failure. Make sure you know the “when,” and not just the “what” to achieve your goals.


Three– Cancel the Noise

You can cancel the noise of negativity that’s both inside you and from the outside by using a few methods.

Firstly, understand that negativity will always be there. Negative individuals will always be around to tell you that you are not capable of something. Negativity will also always exist somewhere deep inside your mind. Once you realize that, you can take the first step in canceling the noise, both from within and from other people.

Secondly, you have to find an inspiring story to keep you going. Many people failed in the past before they became a success. Henry Ford’s first two businesses didn’t work out, Stephen King’s first novel was declined by 30 separate publishers, Thomas Edison was unsuccessful 10,000 times in inventing the commercially-viable electric bulb, and J.K. Rowling struggled through the worst 7 years of her life before publishing Harry Potter.

So, find your inspiration, and study them. Research all the factors that held them back. Read up on all the individuals that told them that they couldn’t achieve something. Remember, failure is a part of life. So what if you fail? Isn’t the reward worth taking a risk? If your reasons are good enough, then it most certainly is.


Step Four – Persistence

The last step to achieving your goals, even in the face of negativity and setbacks, is persistence. Goal achievement can only be achieved along the path of persistence, not the path of low resistance. If you’re thinking that something is going to be stress-free, then think again!. You’re going to have setbacks, you’re going to want to give in, and you’re going to be frustrated. That’s when you have to dig your heels in and be persistent.

Remember that so many individuals have failed many times over before achieving their goals. Whatever you want out of life – whether it’s better financial security, a better job, weight loss, or anything else – realize that it’s going to be difficult. You’re going to have to persist until you gain success.

You might fall short repeatedly and face negativity from every direction, but all you have to do is to be persistent. In time you’ll inch closer and closer to your goals as long as you don’t give up on your goals.


Never give up on your hopes and your dreams, no matter the circumstance. You can achieve anything you want to in life. Audacious spirits are met with audacious rewards, but it will be difficult; it never comes easy.

Everyone needs to watch this amazing video over and over again.

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