Positive Thinking

Positive thinking: The power of positive thinking

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Positive thinking has a very crucial impact and influence over our lives generally.

Positive thinking in my opinion would be described as a way of perceiving and interpreting the conditions of our lives – whether it concerns the relationship with ourselves or the relationship with those around us, whether it concerns our future or present situations – consciously focused on the positive elements. of each treaty.

Without blinders to the potentially negative consequences of a situation, positive thinking is the way we view the world that is characterized by realistic optimism and insists on putting the positive side of our experiences against the negative.

Have positive thoughts! Sounds easy, but it seems difficult in practice. I will not disagree. But difficult does not mean impossible. So how do we turn our thoughts into positive ones?

How to think positive thoughts


1. Record your negative thoughts

In order to be able to get rid of negative thoughts, you first need to be able to realize them. You can not change anything if you do not find exactly what you need to change. Create a diary of negative thoughts and record the thoughts that go through your mind every time you find your mood changes for the worse, that is, every time you are stressed, or, sad.

Be careful not to write down emotions but only thoughts, that is, what is happening to you at the moment and what you think about it.

Negative thoughts are the thoughts through which you discern the tendency to take sole responsibility for what is bad, the tendency to give more importance to the negative element in a situation and ignore the positive, and the tendency to believe that only negative things will happen in the future, etc. Negative thoughts create persistently negative emotions.

If you continue this recording for 1-2 weeks, you will then find that from one point onwards your thoughts revolve around the same patterns, have common contents, and are repeated.


2. Explore alternative perspectives

Do we need to ask ourselves different questions in order to think differently? Questions that start with “Why” usually do not help us. The reason this happens is that they are looking for causes and in this search, it is easy to divide accusations right and left.

Another reason they do not help us is that we end up asking ourselves things that are either not answered or the answer is of no use, such as “Why is this happening to me?” ” Why couldn’t things be different?”.

Instead of searching for causes or getting lost in meaningless quests, try to explore ways and means of solving them. Ask yourself different questions, to direct your thinking in other directions. Choose questions that seek solutions in the present, that broaden your thinking and direct you to action

  • How can this experience be useful to me?
  • What can I do to feel better?
  • How can I see the situation differently?
  • What alternative interpretation is there other than the one that first comes to mind?
  • What would I say to a third party if they were in my position?

Whenever an automatic negative thought pops up in your mind, find an alternative interpretation, as close to reality as possible, and process it as much as possible. Do not expect your negative thoughts to subside immediately.

Because when they are automated and empowered, they will take time to lose their power. They may still come to mind first but you will find that the more you refute them the more they gradually lose their validity.


3. Keep a diary of positive thoughts

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When we are used to seeing ourselves through the distorting lenses of negativity we identify mainly 3 things: mistakes, failures, and negative emotions. By making this selective focus we tend to believe that our whole life is overwhelmed by them.

Just because we have trained ourselves to identify and recycle them does not mean that there are no positive experiences, thoughts, and feelings in our day. Usually, we get over it quickly, we do not give it the importance it deserves to refocus on what concerns us: the negative.

One exercise that can highlight the importance of positive experiences in our lives is that of the diary of positive thoughts.

Record for at least a week for each day:

  • A positive thought you made for yourself or for someone else
  • A beautiful feeling you felt
  • Something positive you did for yourself
  • A good conversation you said to someone

Trying to complete the exercise also means a conscious focus of our attention on all the small or big beautiful things of everyday life that we allow to go unnoticed, as long as we are absorbed in our black thoughts.

The following are some other actions that can help you develop the power of positive thinking as well

  • Get in the habit of using positive words when you think and when you speak. Use words like “I can”, and “it is possible” rather than words like “it is impossible”
  • .Try to ignore your negative thoughts – replace negative thoughts with constructive positive ones. In your conversations, use words that evoke emotions and images of strength, joy, and success. Before embarking on a project or action, envision a positive outcome. If you envision with concentration and faith, you will be surprised by the results.
  • Read at least one page each day from a book that inspires you
  • .Watch movies that make you feel good.
  • Minimize the time you spend listening to newsletters and reading newspapers I personally abstain from reading newsletters, as it helps me become oblivious to the negativity around.
  • Match with people who think positively.
  • Engage in physical activity, walk or swim. It will make you develop a more positive attitude.
  • Meditate. Research shows that people who meditate on a daily basis develop more positive emotions than those who do not meditate.
  • Engage in writing positive experiences. Research shows that people who experience positive experiences have better moods, fewer health center visits, and fewer illnesses.


Positive thinking and success.

Positive thinking surprisingly has a positive effect on our success.

Success is attracted by who you are becoming and how you see yourself in the process.

If you think negative and poorly of yourself, chances are high that you won’t be successful.

Positive thinking creates a comfortable and pleasant internal environment for success. Success is first internal, then it materializes.

And as you practice these tips and activities, It is my desire that you attract success to your life as well.

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    xmc.pl says:

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